Potteries of Trenton Society Makes Trenton's Industrial Ceramic History Available on the Web

A shout out to our friends at the Potteries of Trenton Society (POTS), who have been working to make information on Trenton’s industrial ceramic industry available on the internet.  POTS’ website (www.potteriesoftrentonsociety.org) has recently undergone a major overhaul and redesign with a view to making it more user friendly and technologically capable of hosting the Trenton Potteries Database.  This database contains historical information and stories about the pottery industry and associated history. Organized by geographic location, each entry includes information on a pottery's location, owners, products and years in operation. Where available, historic maps, advertisements, maker's marks, photographs and engravings are included in the database. 

On April 17, POTS, together with the Bard Graduate Center and the New Jersey State Museum, presented their annual ceramics history lecture. Dr. Laura Microulis, Research Curator at the Bard Graduate Center in New York City, discussed “Trenton’s Majolica Mania”. The lecture is available for viewing here.