
Hunter Research provides professional consulting services in historical research, architectural history, archaeology, preservation planning, exhibit development and educational outreach. Through a well-developed network of subconsultants the firm also provides expertise in related fields, such as underwater archaeology, geomorphology, remote sensing, materials conservation and museum display. We cater to public, private and non-profit clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States. Our company aims to satisfy clients with an effective and prompt service that is respectful of our shared cultural heritage.

A substantial part of our work involves assisting clients in complying with the cultural resource requirements of federal, state and local laws, notably Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act, the New Jersey Pinelands Act, the regulations of the Delaware and Raritan Canal Commission, and local zoning and preservation ordinances. Typically this work consists of identification, evaluation and, if necessary, mitigation. We also specialize in the development of exhibits, interpretive schemes and management plans for historic sites, and contract frequently with local communities and school systems providing educational programs in history and archaeology.

Hunter Research enjoys an outstanding reputation for high-quality work and has received numerous awards from national, statewide and local organizations. We have worked at many of the region's best known historic sites, such as Ellis Island, Central Park, Historic Morven, Crown Point and Fort Delaware, but we also relish and routinely undertake small-scale projects at lesser known historic properties.

All routine laboratory processing and analysis is done in-house, and our hardware and software capabilities include GIS, CAD and complete report design and production. Full-time staff currently numbers about 20, nearly half possessing advanced degrees in relevant fields. Senior staff members meet National Park Service qualifications standards in the disciplines of history, archaeology and architectural history. We have several OSHA-certified field staff, including personnel qualified at the supervisory level.