Two U.S. Army Corps of Engineers History Books
Continuing the Mission: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:
A History of the New York District, 1975-2005
Small District, Big Mission: A History of the Chicago District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980-2013
Middle Atlantic and Midwest Regions
Hunter Research, together with historian Howard Green, wrote institutional histories of the New York and Chicago districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Hunter Research worked with and interviewed both civilian and military personnel in order to conduct the research necessary for both books, developing historic contexts that could be used to inform agency personnel and the public about the Corps’ contributions to both military engineering and civilian public works. Topics covered include fortifications, bridges, harbor improvements, wharfs, airports, dams and flood control projects. The books also provide important original research and historic contexts for supporting Section 106 evaluations. Each of the histories discussed the districts’ various missions, including their military duties, flood risk management, environmental remediation and restoration, and navigation, dredging and harbor maintenance. Both books provide an in-depth discussion of the regulatory framework that underpins the Corps operations. For the New York District book, which includes a chapter devoted to the Corps response to the 9/11 attacks, Hunter Research staff assisted with editing, graphics, design and layout, and delivered the print-ready electronic copy to the U. S. Government Printing Office for final printing and distribution.